Sunday, February 8, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

I am single in NYC and that whole Sex And The City "myth" annoys me! I went to see "He's Just Not That Into You" and so many single women and groups of younger girls were present to learn what we already know but needed confirmation now one week before Valentine's Day! The movie started with a little girl playing at the park making sand castles and a little boy walked up to her and she looked up all bright eyed and he told her that she looked and smelled like poo and broke her sand castle and her heart; when she ran in tears to her mom she said to her "the boy likes you that is why he was so mean"! Ugh no no no he is just a miserable little boy that is the truth. LOL! Ok so you can't tell your little girls nieces or grandchildren that??? So we grow up thinking when they don't ask us out that he is threatened by how wonderful we are or he has been too busy or his or our phones do not work! This one girl was told that all this humiliation she was going through calling the guy asking him out or waiting for the call that was not going to happen that she was the "RULE" not the exception....Exceptions don't happen often although our friends and families have "Exception" stories...(3 years ago Ann went out with this man and he never called her back or asked her out again but they met 3 years later in the supermarket and he knew she was the one and they got married 6 months later)! So this movie is not winning an award it was cute we laughed we screamed "NO" lots of times and I walked out wanting to be the "EXCEPTION"..not the "RULE"! But at some point if we search down deep in our hearts married single a boyfriend for 9 years, whatever story we have we now what is wrong about our relationships or lack of we just think too hard with our Hearts.... I liked it!


  1. I want to see this movie... Have you ever read "Why Men Love Bitches" by Sherry Argov? It. Changed. My. Life.

    It dispels the same myth about boys treating you badly when they have a crush on you! As adults...

  2. I can't wait to see this movie! I may not see it until it comes out on video or OnDemand...but glad you liked it!


  3. I heard about the book on Oprah a long time ago and was curious about the movie. Girl you're going to laugh when you see my doll's make-overs! My red-head Sara is going to be blonde!!LOL! Oh don't forget to give me your addy!!!

    P.S The pjs are sooo comfy!! Did you see my blog post about it?

    Sandy XOX
