Welcome back to Paris posts....Before I left NY a male friend suggested I go to a cafe in Paris called "ANGELINA'S" (no website yet). It is on Rue Rivoli across the street from the Louvre (will post that soon). It is very ornate in a classy old world charm. They open at 9:30 and close at 5:30. They serve beautiful tasty pastries and have breakfast plates and small quiches and salads. Lunch is so not like lunch in the States. Usually places are closed around our typical lunch. I went 3 times, had a chocolate looking like cupcake once then another time breakfast that was eggs Benedict (no picture) that was the best I have ever had hot chocolate that was rich but not too thick served with cream whipped on the side, and a torte that resembles a napoleon pastry. They serve everything on silver platters, but have their own signature pitcher with steamed milk or the hot chocolate and plates and mugs. I bought 1 set because that is all they had for the day at 10:00AM....I am used to NY where they say let me send someone down to the stock room and get them but as I suggested the woman looked appalled! She said in "perfect" English...that is not my job. I replied "can we send someone?" and she said "NO"!!! ok so I will wait till the website is developed. Really what can you possibly say, it is my fault for not getting it the first time I was there. But everything else was great and lots of fun. The above Gentleman I passed by and smiled and he said he got out of work at 7:00 and I should meet him in front! French Men are so great so classy. If you ever go please make it a breakfast stop and dessert stop and sit and enjoy the service.
Mont Blanc - looks like cool cupcake but it is a "pastry" which is a meringue base filled with whipped cream and sweet chestnut puree. Very rich and delicious.

Hot Chocolate and pastry