Happy Pink New Year!
I am so grateful to be here at home typing on my blog! I fell Tueday on my way to get the bus to go to work. I appearently flew up in the air and hit my head. Wonderful people came out and called an ambulance and my parents. One major problem....the ambulance could not come down the blog because the NY Sanitation and Mayor Bloomberg screwed up royally and the streets were not plowed at all. Yes it was one of NYC and NJ top 6 blizzards but we have been through worse and nothing like this at all. So it took them a while to get me through the block they had to secure that they would not slip and drop me. AT the Hospital my parents were there when I woke up and I had the cutest best nicest best doctor ever. I walked out with a concussion and whiplash, a huge swollen side of head that is a pretty color of black red and green and pains all over but I am so not complaining. I am fine and will be fine. There were lots of people that did not make it and were not as lucky as I! So I have been looking forward to tonight to kick 2010 in the buttocks and welcome 2011! So due to pain and medication I will be home in my fuzzy Pink Chenile robe and trying to stay up to watch Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark ring in 2011. I want to thank all my friends family and blog friends for reading and commenting, it means so much to me. I think that blogland is an amazing community.
I love the above picture that was sent to me by my bestest girlfriend Cheryl from nouveaux-portmanteau blog. I did not have any pictures to share today but promise lots of Pink next Saturday!
Please go on and visit our Pink Saturday Hostess Beverly from How Sweet the Sound and all the wonderful Pink Saturday posts and wish them a Happy 2011! Happy Pink New Year! xoxo