Happy 3rd Birthday Pink Saturday!! I saved one of my birthday dinners for this day to celebrate Pink Saturday. My friend Marlene took me to Mr. Kay's in NYC. It is one of my favorite places but had not gone in years. It was my special place with my ex boyfriend and just was odd I never had gone back. Funny I thought "oh my goodness Mr. Kay's would be a perfect Pink Saturday post"! lol I had so much fun we laughed so hard. President's have eaten there and actors and very wealthy famous people also and they have 2 sets each of chopsticks for each person. I am always amazed at the service. Every time you move they come and fix your napkin or fill your drink glass. I had Diet Coke and the tiny pitcher was near me and I "made eye contact" and pow there he was filling my glass. Everything is a pretty light pink, even the plates. The food is incredible and we picked 2 different dinners and they split and plated them for us. You do nothing except sit back and enjoy. Then the amazing coffee pot comes out and the water is on the bottom coffee beans on top, they light from the bottom at the table and the water brews upwards into the beans for a fresh tasty coffee.
Please go visit Beverly from How Sweet the Sound and wish her a Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! xoox
Denzel Washington - George Clooney chopsticks!
dramatic place settings
wash your hands before
palate cleanser
fun glass table top coffee maker
Me and my friend