Happy WE-dnesday! I have been in a not appreciated no loved mode lately. I know "WE" are not supposed to depend on others to prove we are good and worth it. But I am a woman and need a tap on the shoulder once in a while too. To make a long story short: I was looked over with a "thank you" by someone who matters. The embarrassing part was that he thanked others and looked straight at me like a child or an ex being spite full. I am not making it up, I was ok until people came up and acknowledge that he was a turd. Nothing new but I shrugged my shoulders and moved on. Truth be told I felt horrible, I know it should have been more embarrassing for him but who cares! Maybe he felt I did not deserve the thanks; ok that is his prerogative. If only no-one mentioned it to me then I would be ok. I feel sad that this person is important and he is just a miserable mean self centered person. "WE" need to be mindful of others when we open our mouths or are not respectful to people we see everyday and yes others also. So I would normally hibernate inside like a bear and I didn't. My Niece Daniela came for a visit from North Carolina and was in the City for a short time but like a whirlwind "WE" came up with a plan called My other Niece Kristina to meet us in NYC to see a play and eat dinner. I picked up
Matilda tickets from
TKTS and met them at
Planet Hollywood and had the best child-like time! We giggled like teenagers and I thought to myself "WE" need to have unplanned child like fun every so often! So when "WE" get dumped on and unappreciated pick yourself up and giggle away! Grace xoox
Planet Hollywood got a total overhaul and is brand new. Most of their memorabilia is of "Twilight" The Vampire Movies. Reminder: Bella and Edward. I miss all the crazy things they had before but it is still a fun place to visit tourist or not!