Happy Pink Valentine Saturday! I am in a Valentine funk..I love Valentine's Day but this year these 2 cards are the only things I put together! I have visited so many blogs and so amazed of all the fabulous Valentine pretties people made. There is always Easter coming up! lol I think I will just wait for some Art Opera Swaps.
Please go visit some more Pink Saturday blog posts at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound! Feel Better Beverly!! Happy Pink Saturday! xoxoxo
Pretty pinks for a fabulous PS! Happy day to you!
Hi, Grace!
What a lovely post. I'm wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day in return and a very Happy Pink Saturday.
Sheila :-)
Wonderful post.
Happy Pink Saturday & enjoy your Valentine's day
Bonjour Grace! Happy Pink Valentine's Day!!! Love your work....Anita
Good Morning Grace!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too!
I love your Valentines, perfect for Pink Saturday.
Sometimes the build up of Valentine's Day dwindles as the day draws near. I think the best part for me is all the new hearts at the grocery store! I'm looking out at a beautiful pink sky this morning. Happy Pink!
Now, Grace, this is new....FunkyValentine...or was tht ValentineFunky???? Oh, Well...anyway the valentines are pretty. I know what you mean...it's been kind of a Valentine Overload in Blogland, but I've loved seeing all the Vintage Valentines, and then of course, I had to jump in there and make a Valentine Box...I mean Hoop...come see....Sue
I know exactly how you feel. My new years resolution this year was to stay ahead of the game. I already have been putting Easter in my shop and it feels so good not to be behind. I think your cards are very pretty and you should not stress. You are right, Easter is coming but not here yet. There is lots of time. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentines Day too, Char
Happy Valentine's Day!
~ Gabriela ~
I'm behind from Christmas myself! Lovely cards, happy ps!~
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH necklace giveaway
Happy Valentine's Day! What lovely valentines you've made!!!
Did y'all get a lot of snow? We were snowed in for two days. It's so pretty, but I'm about ready for Spring. :0)
I saw these cards and other fabulous goodies you sent to Nat! You have such a kind and generous spirit! Happy Heart Day Grace!
Saddy XOX
So sorry that I missed you yesterday. It seemed like the day just ran away from me! But, with this being ♥Valentine's Day♥ what better time for me to stop by to see your Pink Saturday goodies.
It's been a long and dark winter up here near Canada so filling myself up with pink is my way on the weekend of chasing away the blues - not that blue isn't a nice color, too☺
I ♥ coming here. All the pink and all the girlie stuff just floods my brain and makes me want to do a happy dance right where I sit!
Thanks so much for sharing. After all, isn't sharing one of life's greatest pleasures?
♫Happy Valentine's Day♫
Happy Valentine's Day doll!! Not to worry...you'll be outta that funk in no time!!! Art Opera is right around the corner!! All the swaps are sure to get you going again!! :)
Thanks SO much for your super sweet email!! We are SOOOO excited to meet you and party!! We will be posting class/kit pics over the next few days!! I promise you will not be disappointed!! ;)
We are going to have a BLAST!!!! Lisa is adding more and more fabulousness by the day!!
See you soon!!!!
XOXO Jenny
Hope you had a lovely Valentine's day Grace :)
I'd love for you to come visit my blog, on this post in particular.... see if you notice anything at the top of that post...
Very Pretty! love the gold around the valentine's . I am just making my PS rounds!
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