It started that it was a cold and rainy NYC day, I was swamped at work but at 12:00 PM got on the Fifth Avenue Bus and went to
Tinsel Trading to go see
Wendy Addison and see what new creations she had. Wendy did not disapoint at all I bought a few things (a cute paper chandalier, a paper chair and a banner)! I start putting things in my little basket and Marcia one of the owners brings me some cookies and I look towards the back and see the lovely talented Miss
Lisa Kettell! Get out I say as soon as I see her! We started chatting and laughing and I felt like we have been friends forever. She was there with her lovely mom
Joan who makes beautiful jewlery and
Terri Ventura and Maleen who I did not take a picture with (insert sad face). Lisa is hosting
Art Opera in New Jersey April 2010, and I am attending! Yippie Finally an event closer to me. I had to sadly get back to work. But I had a great day! So if you live close go visit Tinsel Trading and visit with Linda and Marcia and shop and if you are planning to come to NY it is a "must"!
Wendy Addison
Lisa Kettell, Wendy Addison, Teri Ventura

Lisa Kettell

Joan Lisa's Mom

Wendy's new line a cute box

Some fun shopping